Response Options:[R entered no text] , ? , ... all interested countries. Strong partnerships and an open exchange create better offers and research. , "Global South" -- low income and developing countries throughout the world , Academic and governmental libraries , Across the globe research libraries can work more closely together through study abroad programs and research exchanges; the issues libraries are trying to resolve are similar across the globe; small public libraries are facing more difficulties exchanging experiences and ideas internationally -- we need networks of small and rural libraries, large urban libraries, as well as, small and large academic and research libraries; we also need networks of specialized libraries like national libraries, special libraries, and other types. , African countries , African Countries, European Countries , all , All , All - honestly any partnership/relationship is great. , all countries , All countries , All countries in Europe , All countries in Western Europe , Any who are interested. , All countries that have applicable/complimentary curriculum, mission, resources; ideally focus would be on Global South for better representation, though relationships with Global North partners may be easier to create at first. , all countries that want them , All countries, depending on the projects , All countries. There is a need to share ideas around the world. , All European Countries and North America , all of Africa, all of South America, etc. , All of them , All of them :) Especially countries that need or could benefit from our help and support , All of them, obviously , All of them, particularly Europe , all of them! , All of them! , all of them? I suppose for my institution being in [text removed by P.I.] it would be best to collaborate with Caribbean, South American, and Central American countries. , All of them. , All of them. IFLA is a good thing. , All of them. They all have interesting things to learn from! , all over the world , all that are interested , All, but I especially think we need to collaborate with and support libraries in developing countries far more than we do now. , all, particularly those of the global south , any , Any , Any - we can learn a lot from one another. Libraries in developiong countries have a lot they can learn from established libraries and we can learn and work with libraries in other peer countries. , Any & all! , Any and all , Any and all countries. , Any and all doing work in Open Access, open education, open science, etc. as well as global south , Any and all who are facing similar issues. , Any and all, as possible! It would depend on the institutions and the respective missions/goals/values of those institutions. , Any and all, but most easily with other English-speaking countries , Any and all! Seriously, though. I would love opportunities to collaborate with librarians in Germany, the UK, Spain, Latin America, and just about anywhere else that is open to a mutually beneficial relationship. , Any and all. , Any countries with relevant interests or projects, no matter potential language barriers. , Any countries with which collaborative relationships are feasible. , Any country , Any country which has research areas that match with the United States national interests , any country with a library system , any librarie in any country , any library with similar interest and academic programs , Any that are interested. , Any that suit your own institutional and professional needs and that are willing to be reliable partners. , any with large academic libraries, especally ones our Univ. is connected to with Study Abroad , any with whom the university has academic program, student exchange agreements , Any--I think it depends on the individual institution: curriculum, research agendas, etc. , Any, broader ILL system. , Any! Let's start with the US' neighbors (Canada & Mexico). , Any/all , Any/All , Any/All! I think that any international collaboration between libraries is beneficial. , Anywhere in the Global South , as many as possible , As many as possible , Asia , Asian countries , Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, Japan, anywhere in Europe , Austria & Switzerland (German speaking), Scandinavian countries , Austria and Switzerland. Rest of Europe , Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland (to name a few) , Austria, Switzerland, Italy , Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands and Denmark , Between developing/developed countries , Beyond the US and the EU , canada , Canada , Canada and the U.K. , Canada and Western Europe , Canada and/or would be obvious; but any, really, depending on the strengths and demographics. , Canada, EU , Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, France, Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, China, South Korea, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and all African countries , Canada, Latin American countries, some EU countries , Canada, Mexico, European countries , Canada, UK , Canada, UK, Australia, China, Japan , Canada, UK, Australia, Mexico (for US); EU for Germany , Canada, UK, European Union , Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan , Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia , Canada, USA, Europe, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, Latin America, etc. Not sure I understand the relevancy of this question. , Central and South America , China , China first and foremost then Canada, UK, Central and South America , China, France, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Israel, Pakistan, India, Libea, Congo, Sudan, Algeria, Somalia, Chad, Niger,etc , China, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Japan , China, Turkey, Brazil , countries from EU and Russia , Countries in Asia, where a large majority of international students come to the US for school from. , countries in the Global South , Countries in the global south , Countries in the Global South , Countries that share similar research programs and focus , Countries within the EU, Middle East, and South East Asia , Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Caribbean countries , , Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, France, Poland, Czech Republic , Denmark, Sweden, Finland , Dependent on what we are collaborating, I don't think it should be limited based on geography/politics. , depends on collections and mission , Depends on context , depends on the area of librarianship you specialize in and the goals of the individual library/institution , depends on the needs , depends on the type of collaboration, but of course, you would always seek a strong(er) partner. , Developing countries , developing nations , Don't know - I'm not sure collaboration should be determined by country but rather by what institutions have in common and can work together on. , England, Germany, France , Esp. Canada and Mexico as our direct neighbors, but frankly I'd like to see more international collaboration in general, and I don't feel strongly about particular countries (although, other anglophone countries might be the most practical starting point) , EU , EU countries, USA, Canada, China , EU, Canada, Australia , EU, UK, EFTA, US, Canada , Europe / USA , Europe as a whole, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, etc. , Europe in general , Europe in general, United States , Europe-wide; USA & Canada, Australia & New Zealand, China, Japan, Singapore, developing countries... , Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa , european , European Community , European countries , European or South Pacific , european union , European Union , European Union member states , European Union, Canada , European Union, North America, Oceania; East Asia may be difficult (because of language barrier) , European, South American, Canada , European, South and Central America-too many to list by country , Eurpean Union , Every country where your faculty and students are working. That includes China, India, Africa, Latin America, EU, etc. , Finland, Sweden, Denmark , finnland , For my particular interest, European countries, esp. French- and German-speaking lands. , France , France, England, United States, Germany, Japan, China , France, Italy, Spain Portugal , France, Poland, Denmark, UK, US, Canada , France, UK, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland , France, USA, Israel , From a practical standpoint, I would say other English speaking countries worldwide. IF language isn't a barrier, I would add countries in the developed world. , G20-countries , Generally non-western countries. There are a lot of collaborations with other European (mostly British and Frensh) and American libraries (mostly because of software development projects), but rather none with african or asian libraries. , German speaking countries, European Countries , Germany, France, Scandinavian countries, Russia , Germany, other European countries , Germany, UK, Canada, Mexico, France, etc. Too many to list and really depends on the nature of partnership. , Germany! Great Britain, developing countries , Global , Global south - two way street - OA publications, particularly books, into our colletions, our research into their researchers' hands. , Great Britain , Great Britain, France, Canada , Great Britain, Germany, France, Israel, Spain , Great Britain, nothern europe (sweden, norway, netherlands) , Great Britain, United States of America, Canada , Great Britain, United States, Australia , Great Britain, USA , I don't know. It might depend on the type of library and populations we serve. , I don't want to limit to a specific set of countries -- there should be more international partnerships in general. , I think it is more important to work with specific types of libraries rather than where they are located , I think libraries in all other countries would make good collaborators. Librarians in India and the global south are doing extroardinary innovative things despite having statistically lower budgets on average, libraries in the UK are doing great work with read and publish agreements and restructuring the conversation about open access & publisher agreements, and libraries in Canada, Mexico, and Brazil are doing similar work to that being done in the US, but are ahead of us in some regards as well. In general, keeping abreast of what other professionals are doing in different environments is a good thing. , I think there would be much to learn from any other country. , I would consider collaboration with any other country based on need. , I would like to see more collaboration with countries in the Global South. , In any country where such partnerships make sense. , in european countries , In France and Great Britain , in the EU , India, China, any libraries in South/Central America and Africa. , international, not a specific country , Ireland, UK, USA, Netherlands, Nordic Countries (like Sweden, Norway...) , It depends on the mission of the library and the purpose of the collabs, but I would encourage working with developing nations. , it would depend on the need, the kind of project , Italy, France , Japan , Japan and England, especially , Korea, China, England, Canada, Norway, Sweden, United States , less developed countries. , Libraries in the Global South , libraries with less access to materials (engage in more ILL) , Library of the university Groningen, Libraries in England, austria, Netherlands , Many , Many options; depends on objectives at hand. Collaborative collection building offers many opportunities. , Mexico, and Latin and Central American countries , Mexico, China, Canada, Europe , More collaboration with Middle Eastern and East Asian countries , My answer would be colored by my own field, Northern and Eastern Europe. Other librarians working in Asian studies would name other countries, wouldn't they? , neighboring countries - but really: any that fit thematically , Nethelands, UK ... (Europe and beyond...) , netherlands , Netherlands , Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austria, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Denmark, UK , netherlands, denmark , Netherlands, Great Britain, Australia, USA , Netherlands, Scandinavia , Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, England, France , Netherlands, UK, Scandinavia , netherlands, uk, us , North America and Western Europe , North America, Europe (due to geo proximity) , northern europe , Northern Europe, France, GB, USA , Northern Europe, Netherlands, Great Britain, France , Norway, Sweden, Denmark , Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Great Britain, United States , Not really needed for specific countries - but more relationships = better research and service , Not sure at this time. , Not sure. , Open access, openly licensed classroom content, other areas of shared interest , Other EU countries, e.g. Austria, France, Netherlands , Philippines , poland, russia , primarily european, other as well , Regarding to the subject; in general: all (German speaking; European; International) , russia , Scandinacia, Netherlands, UK, USA , scandinavia , Scandinavia , Scandinavia in general, USA , Scandinavia, Netherlands, other neighbouring countries , Scandinavia, UK, Eastern Europe , Scandinavia, US, Netherlands , Scandinavia, USA , Scandinavia, USA, UK, Canada , Scandinavian , Scandinavian countries , Scandinavian countries, Neatherlands, USA , Skandinavia, USA, Great Britain , South America and Europe , Southern Hemisphere and lesser developed countries , Sweden , Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland , Sweden, Finnland, Norway , Sweden, Germany, South Africa, Australia, , Switzerland , That depends on the focus of the librarians and the institution. Anywhere really. , The broadest range of countries possible. , The country is not as important as is a parallel of issues and efforts. , The U.S. should do more to collaborate with Canadian and Mexican libraries; they should also explore relationships with Asian libraries because of our large number of international students from Asia. , There are many implications in this answer, so I am hesitant to just start listing countries. One answer would be "all of them." Another answer would be that we should collaborate with countries that share traditional US library values, including democratic values of openness, attribution, scholarly integrity, anti-censorship, etc.) There is a lot to unpack with this question. , There is no natural limit on the possible countries. There are always opportunities to learn or give support. , There needs to be more collaboration with all countries, so that research materials are available in all areas. , There should be more collaboration between libraries in Western and non-Western countries. Western countries and the academic professionals in them tend to look down on the work that comes from institutions in non-Western countries, and that's wrong. I think greater ties between these two regions would improve library services around the world, and help decolonize Western (particularly American) libraries as well. , There should be more connections through international organizations like ASIS&T , Those of strategic importance to the researchers and students of the institution of which I am a part. It is community specific since resources and time are limited. , Those that are not in "developing countries" should partner with those that are - to expand information access to researchers in developing countries. , U.S., Scandinavian countries (very modern), Africa , U.S.A. , UK , UK France Germany , UK USA , UK, China, Japan, Germany , UK, Europe , UK, France, Germany, India, China, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Spain, Australia , UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia , UK, Germany, Japan, China, etc. , UK, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Norway , UK, Scandinavia , Uk, US , United Kingdom , United Kingdom, Netherlands , United States , United States of America , United States, France, UK , Unsure , US and Germany; Germany and Cameroon , US/Canada/Mexico; US/EU , USA , USA & EU libraries should learn more from each other and cooperate more together, especially regarding open access. , USA and Europe , USA, Australia, Great Britain, Norway/Scandinavia, Baltic States , USA, Canada, UK, Scandinavia, Netherlands , USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, China , USA, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Japan, South Korea , USA, Netherlands, GB, Switzerland, Austria , USA, Norway , USA, Russia , USA, russia, great britain , USA, Scandinavian countries , USA, Scandinavian Countries and all the surrounding countries of Germany , USA, UK , USA, UK, Asia , USA, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway , USA; then European countries, e.g. France, Italy, Great Britain, The Netherlands. , W. Europe, Asia, latin america, USA, Canada , Western Europe, USA , with libraries in Asia and Africa , with libraries in the Netherlands , with other european countries , with scandinavian librarianships and germany, and with germany and the usa , With the US: Canada, members of the EU, Mexico and South American countries , Worldwide , worldwide - every country has its own practices and challenges we can learn from , Would depend on the library and the need , would depend on the particular context